
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Warm Fire

I awoke to the image/thought of a man I know. He was wearing a tight cap. He, too, wears crown chakra.

Love is's like a warm fire. It invites one in to settle and be at peace. Warm fires nourish.

I was listening to Kidz Tunes on TV last night while working on taxes. It made me think of my children and grandchildren and that was sad. Sad that I was not integrated and present within myself to be Mother to my children (at age 19?) so many years ago; and now its sad that I don't have connection with my grandchildren. So, I had to go deeper into the Truth of this story. The Truth is I've been Mother to my self. I've nurtured my little girl and her ego thread that weaves through spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies. I have had to be that warm fire mothering for her.

Recently I was thinking about conflict and feeling its hard edges. All of a sudden the hardness dissolved and melted away. That is how easy it can be for ego to let go of suffering. It's a simple releasing of that which one holds on to. That letting go is also tangible.

When children don't get what they want they act out and sometimes break things. When teenagers don't get their way they act out in destructive ways. When adults hold on to childish ways they act out and destroy systems. The pattern is the same. What does it take for a child to mature into adolescence and then to adult? Time? If one believes in reincarnation all children will eventually be mature adults.

To mature one needs to have an evolving relationship with one's own chemistry and thus hormones. We are not meant to be driven by adolescent hormones all our life. We are meant to mature and evolve. This requires an inner Mother...and Father.


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