
Monday, January 25, 2010

Under the Rubble

I picked up strong Tracker vibe earlier this month. Was he back in town?

Late one afternoon I drove home to see one of the garage doors open. I called the landlord immediately. After checking he said that no one had been in the garage.

Another afternoon I drove home and saw my front door open. I always lock my door. I called the guys who deliver my mail. Yes, they saw the open door and gave me a time. Does he have a key? Did he find the spare?

What is he after? The computer. He wants access to my communication system. I cancelled internet service at home and no longer use the new laptop that he corrupted. Not having a computer at the house is like not having cookies in the cupboard. Much more balance in my life.

I have been telling the people where I live about Tracker/Stalker. Now, I have witnesses.

At the same time this was happening at the house I had computer problems at the library. There is a very nice staff person who empathizes with me and has listened to me several times when I've experienced computer interference. She gave me the name of the top IT person. I spoke with him about hacker. Now, I have two people at the library I can report to.

I will not be silent about this story thread in my life. What does Tracker want? Does he want to be at the center of my communications like he used to be years ago? That is impossible. I cannot go backward. Light has evolved me and my world.

I saw Tracker's name on my facebook page wanting to be friends with one of my friends, Ed. I deleted that friend as I don't want Tracker in that system. Now, however I'm having interference patterns with my facebook page.

I now know how Tracker got into my computer at home and at the library. I figured it out through years of trial and error. I still need "hard evidence" to go to the police. The private detective tells me it will cost $10,000 to do surveillance. How does a woman protect herself from a sociopath (someone lacking a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience)?

I sense that Tracker is telling some people that I am making trouble. He's done that before. His people support him and his infrastructure. Corrupt people build corrupt systems...but not forever. Walls built on false and shallow foundations will crumble.

One Haita survivor told her story: Under the rubble she looked for light. She knew that light meant fresh air. The catastrophe in Haiti is of Biblical proportion. This time and these people will be remembered. This story is a global myth. Survivors sing that they are not afraid of death. Let the walls crumble and the Age of Aquarius rise.


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