
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Multiphonic Tantra

Drumming I heard the reverberating hummmm created in negative space...those in between spaces of actually hitting the drum face/hide. Tantra!! I heard the Gyuto Monks at the 5th Avenue Theatre in 1995. I have one of their CDs Freedom Chants from the Roof of the World. Here is some language from that CD jacket:

2500 years ago in India, the Buddha realized enlightenment and founded the Buddhist teaching of freedom, love and wisdom. Buddhism slowly soread all over Asia coming to Tibet in the 7th century A.D. It took a thousand years for its gentle ethics, sophisticated meditations, and profound scientific traditions to "tame" the wild energies of the Tibetan warriors...

...a type of multiphonic chanting was developed in which each monk sings a chord containing two or three tones simultaneously.....thought to arise only from the throat of a person who has realized selfless wisdom. This music emanates from samadhi ("a trancelike state of pure consciousness, undisturbed by the polarities of life, experience and thought"...

His Holiness the Dalai Lama commented on the nature of these performances:

Some people may ask "Why are they performing publicly what should be esoteric rites?" Perhaps these people feel that secret teachings should not be turned into a theatrical spectacle. But they needn't be concerned. The secret interior path and its processes are things which the ordinary eye cannot perceive. What is seen outside is totally different. Based on their inner achievement, the Yogis can unfold energies which can serve the benefit of the entire country, such as in ceremonies which consecrate images and icons, exorcise negative forces, prevent natural disasters and epidemics and uplift the spirit of the tiems. Thus, from a certains point of view, these ceremonies have a great benefit for the whole society...

Tantra reverberations always connect me with the bowels of Mother Earth.


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