
Friday, January 15, 2010

Dream Time

Climbing a ladder that goes straight up. What angle is that? I look up and see 3-4 rungs (supporting cross pieces). An Elder is behind me supporting me. As I climb I recognize the familiar feeling of the ladder. I've been here many times. As I get to the top the Elder pushes my head so that it fits through the opening. What is this subterranean realm?

Extraterrestrial life is a common topic. What about intraterrestrial life? Are we not rock/earth people? Did we not originate from Earth rather than water? Could there have been life in water without rock/earth? Is intraterrestrial life reptilian? That first "fish" out of water certainly looks reptilian. Of course, I am not a scientist.

My drum has a sweet spot that has a "resonant pitch." The sound creates a rippling effect in my brain. This meditative attunement is creating balance in my daily life.

> line goes out into space and bounces back. What causes it to bounce back if not contact with an another earth orb? Orbs live in space and resonate or not. Resonant orbs create orbital systems. The lines of force remove foriegn particles and objects. It's a natural alchemical process that is universal in scope.


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