
Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Garden in 2010

One ray of light is powerful....when two or more come together...Wow!

Yesterday at the radio studio I was honored to be on the air with two Native American musicians. Much of the show was impromptu due to one guest not showing up. For my Poetry Wheel segment I read Circles by Black Elk (a poem that opens my Circle of Life class) and Gene Tagaban accompanied with drum.

I learned that Gene and I are doing similar work with Circle classes and Elder storytellers. He told me about The Urban Longhouse he and a friend opened in Bellingham. I asked about doing a Circle of Life event there with Elder storytellers, traditional storytellers and Dana Lyons. When I thought about Dana in this event I heard his Tree story/song speak. Then I thought about his Drop of Water -- a song that I love. I'm thinking that Dana can honor the four directions with four of his songs.

A filmmaker was also at the radio station with us. When I asked about a CD of Elder storytellers they suggested a DVD or film. So, I spoke with filmaker RJ this morning and he told me that he can interview elders, film the event and create a DVD as well as shorter versions for various communication outlets. He mentioned Al Gore's film Inconvenient Truth and how there were three story threads throughout the film. So, we will use this model for a Circle of Life film.

I'm thinking that Turtle's Circle of Life(a "creation story" as Roger Fernandez called it) might want to be an oral story and that I'm the elder to tell it. Part of me would love to animate that as it's about my personal journey and my spirit name is Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters. To tell the story orally I'd have to use both sides of my brain as well as my whole body. It could be very fun and satisfying! Scary too!

What an amazing fertile field of dark and light forces revealing how they work in a dynamic circle of life to integhrate people, ideas and actions. The labor in this garden continues with grant writing to find the funding for Elders' storytelling via the radio, an event and its players and a film. I love this work!


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