
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eden's Boundaries

Laser (water) light (fire) beam contacts Earth (earth) penetrating matter creating new space (air). This drilling into dark matter releases both positive and negative ions.

Ions definition: an atom or molecule which has gained or lost one or more of its valence electrons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge.

Too many negative ions creates imbalance and demonic states. Not sure what too many positive ions would create??? Would it be too angelic?

I seem to have, or I am, a two edged sword. I sever and I bind relationships. If love is present binding or healing can happen. If there is not a foundation of loving substance with another person a cutting of connection can happen. I am making these choices day by day.

This sword of Truth that I am threw a family system into a tailspin and out of its normal orbit. A couple of the male "orbs" reacted in the same way toward me with defensiveness and then accusation and blame. I kept reaching out because this system is close to my heart and I've invested blood, sweat and tears into it. There has been response so that a conversation has ensued. Hopefully healing will continue. The overall effect is that relationships are going deeper. We are getting into new emotional territory and learning more about ourselves and one another...and we are learning about healthy boundaries.

Gardening stirs up ions as does sexual intercourse. Both include penetration of earthy matter. Both involve intimacy at one level or another. When there is a whole person gardening or engaging in sex the experience is holy. And the exact opposite is true. Demonic or angelic substance is released when water, fire, earth and air combine or join. It all depends on the "state of the union" and the wholesomeness of intent or what's invisible (in spirit) behind visible action.

Women need to be much more protective of their earth matter. Opening up to men for shallow reasons can be a depleting experience...a selling of one's very Soul and Sol. Women need to set boundaries to protect themselves. When a whole man and a whole woman come together exchanging spiritual, emotional, mental and physical substance a Garden of Eden can blossom. In the meantime we need to learn what it means to be a whole person and at the same time teach our children and grandchildren. It's not okay to accept standards of the past when people were unholy and unwholesome. It's time to set new standards because we are new in Light of shining Love.


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