
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Culture Shift

I notice a shift in my orb matter and my orbit. I used to battle with obsessive-compulsive patterns associated with food and eating. It was a daily grind. Now I notice the pattern has shifted from daily to weekly. For two days now I've been wanting to indulge and overeat. Self-talk did not get through. This seems to be about getting out of balance and into old familiar territory. And yet there is change! I'm happy to see the pattern as seeing is the first step to embracing. I eat green parsley that I used to crave as a child and I take burdock tincture that I made. I work to get my system back into balance. This work requires self love.

Something else is shifting. I am drawn to a new culture. I spent 9 hours yesterday at the American Indian Film Festival at Bellevue College. I love the documentaries. Powerful stories from veterans and a tribe resurrecting their language. The People of the Trees is especially moving because it honors the four directions and is set in our sacred rainforest. It was fun to see my friend at Muckleshoot in the film.

Today there is an event today about cattails with the Duwamish Tribe. I am drawn.

I am a woman without a tribe...without a culture. I am in between worlds trying to find ground.

Last night at the end of the film event there was time for discussion. I felt pressure within and watched myself: "Are you sure you want to raise your hand for the microphone? What do you have to say?" I wanted to say something about the whole...and had no idea what that was when I raised my hand. I let my emotion lead and my words followed. I feel very vulnerable when I do this. I am concerned about offending people and a culture. I always want to honor the larger tribe of one planet and one people. My last emotion was encircled with: "The planet is singing tonight." I don't speak to be popular...I speak because my emotional and mental bodies ask me to.


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