
Friday, October 30, 2009

Bubbles and Boundaries

I had a concern and asked a question. All hell broke loose. Why is my question taboo? Why is it not okay for a female to question a man's action? Is it because girls didn't grow up asking questions? Is it because adult women still are not asking questions? Are we brainwashed and desensitized? Are we intimidated? The question brought up deep anger, defensiveness and then verbal attack. Why not ask about the concern and make a calm and mature response?

Honesty. I guess that's impossible when emotional intelligence is the missing link.

I was shopping and heard a mother say to a daughter who was being pushy: "You're in my bubble." In other words the girl was in the mother's personal space. It seems that aggression at any level is an abuse of personal space. Where does this "bubble" come from? Would it not come from having an inner compass that identifies boundaries of North, South, East, West? What is this inner compass that steers us in thought, feeling and action? Why is there a shortage of healthy boundaries? Could it be that Soul and Sol at the center is missing in action? Could it be that there is no light shining and a heartless robot is in charge because he has been programmed in a lie.

The great lie: we are human and not divine.

The great truth: we are divine and human.


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