
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bring It On

Another day in paradise and....hell. I wake up surprised that structures in my life are still intact. I raise my arms to the sky and say "Bring it on."

I spoke up about a concern and all hell broke loose yesterday. I "crossed the line" as a grandmother. The day before Tracker attacked via computer all day and night. Another relationship brought up old issues blaming me for something that I did 30+ years ago. Why all the pain? Why all the anger? Why can't we talk about hurts in an adult and mature manner? I have no idea what today will I say: "Bring it on!"

I feel calm in the middle of chaos. I wonder what is the brain pattern and chemical that moves in our human matter/flesh and bones that keeps us in darkness? Ancient texts tell us that there is a master gland in the brain that regulates hormonal chemistry. Why are humans cut off from this gland? If heart is the bridge between lower and upper worlds and channels why aren't more people interested in accessing that bridge?

Seems that people have distorted ideas and patterns about love. "Looking for love in all the wrong places." Isn't it time to grow up...evolve? Addictions have us held's time to let go of the chains. That requires honesty with oneself. That seems to be the most difficult thing for humans to do.


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