
Friday, October 23, 2009

Media Outrage

I signed in as #70 to speak at the King County Council meeting. Three of us women from Sammamish Valley waited until 10:30 to speak. I notice that my "soft" politics always opens hearts. I see it on the faces of council members. A woman responded to my talk last night by smiling and saying that she agreed with everything I said. Ahhh...sweet response. (I submitted our statement to our local newspaper.)

One of the women with me last night emailed saying that we needed to be more specific in our political statements. This gave me the opportunity to explain that I'm not doing politics as usual. I work to open hearts. I was surprised by all her "shoulds." I will not be should-ed!

CNN is reporting more teen deaths. "Why?" they ask. Where's the intelligence? Where are the positive role models and positive stories? The media is responsible for their negative lens that feeds the fuel of darkness on this planet. I am outraged!

It's time for forces of light to stand up and speak out. Can we do that collectively? I'll have to explore that....what organization is doing that. I'm not talking about talk alone as the spiritual types do (I was one for many years). I'm talking about those who have healed enough within to take action now. Action that is not politics as usual but a new politics of love. For our planet's children, animals, vegetation, etc. It's never too late to express Love and Truth.


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