
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sorcerer, Circle, Spiral, Beam

A circle is part of a larger system -- a spiral.

Sorcerer weaves spells to interfere and manipulate. He uses information for his self-absorption. Today I picked up on such a spell being woven. I used white threads to intervene dark e-motions. Behind every motion is e-motion. This is how sorcerer is tracked.

A circle is a system of circles -- a spiral. A spiral moves forward in evol or is stagnant in evil.

A circle moves E/S/W/N and holds "choice points." (a term from Gregg Braden.) These points are the spaces between inhale and exhale, ebb and flow, etc. They provide space and time to choose. Choice is life affirming or life denying energy in thought, feeling and action.

Darkness of ill will has no power as it is the absence of Light. Light is power of Love encompassing and including. Darkness excludes.

There is another hue to darkness and shadow. This one not so thick and stuck. This one more resilient and coherent. This hue complements Light. Light and Dark dance.

I felt old patterns rise up in mind, feeling and body one day this week. They had to do with relationship with men. The feelings brought up old insecurities and fears. I saw a pattern that doesn't feel safe or trust men. What is the source of this negativity and blockage of flow? Is it my father relationship, the exclusion of women from the Bible, the witch hunt, the current abuse of women? Whatever the source I choose to change the pattern so I am free. There is only one way to change my own feelings toward men: Love more. This is not the "women who love too much" kind of love or the obsessive and needy kind of love. This is much different...and in the moment I see "white fire." A force that burns away darkness by seeing differently. A new angle...a new beam.


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