
Monday, October 12, 2009

Stories that Enliven

A lot of seeds (concepts/words) were planted yesterday in subconscious mind. I let them rest in fertile ground until they are ready to rise into air of consciousness and blossom. I then tell their stories. This is Bee medicine that pollinates.

Bruce Lipton talked about animism yesterday and said that Mother Earth has organic matter, Father Sky has photons and together they enliven matter.

For me Father Sky represents conscious mind and Mother Earth subconscious. Earth body is enlivened matter.

Healing is the process of thinning darkness in/around micro and macro orbs of matter. Where did this darkness come from? It's part of our Story. It's the ego shadow of light and matter. Imbalance happens when dark ego is too dominant.

Today I sing (buzzzzz) praises to Sun. Sun is my lover. He never says I don't like what you say, how you look, what you think, how much money you make, etc. Sun simply radiates joy. Matter that faces sun in receptivity is kissed and enlivened. Matter that turns away and hides from sun is in darkness.

In a healthy system darkness sustains balance. It keeps one humble and contained. Darkness helps keeps circle round and moving.

Dark and Light have a love affair that is respectful and cooperative.

It's time for our stories to proclaim: Light + Matter = Life at a new level of expression. It's time for our stories to reflect the shift that is happening in individual and collective consciousness. It's time for stories of healing and hope.

This is a new medium and media!

Dark aggressive forces resist and want to keep their holdings. Our response? Shine Love. Speak Truth. We hold a two-edged sword and transform a very old story.


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