
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Soul Retrieval

During the week with shamanic practitioners I did a soul retrieval for Mother Earth. As I began the journey Fire lifted me into the vast ocean of macro space. I saw an orb with rings around it and immediately saw a point in one of the rings. From this point a beam of energy that felt negative and manipulative was directed toward Earth. I put my right hand out (in this realm) and demanded that this manipulative interference stop! I got the sense of white cotton between the ears (this was comical). It's time to recharge matter through connectors in brain. The reweaving of soul parts awaken brain matter. Horses came in -- horse power. I drew this journey in my journal. Shortly after a photographer at Esalen spoke with us about rock art and shared his photographs. Esalen Indians lived in that area 6-8000 years ago. I was delighted to see petroglyph images of the exact thing I drew! A tall shaman with head in the cosmos and hand visible. The only thing different about my drawing is that my shaman has curves! I imprint my female shaman image on Earth rock -- She joins a lineage of healers and creates a petroglyph for past, present and future. (In my journal I wrote Jupiter for the orb in space. Later I thought that it should read Saturn. Does Jupiter have rings?)

We did soul retrievals with a partner. My partner journeyed back to my infancy and gave me touch, comfort and nurturing. As she was journeying an iridescent blue dragonfly came in and reminded me of a place and time that holds grief. I acknowledged the emotion and let it release. At the end my partner put her hands on my shoulders. I turned into spider with legs out in front of me. I thought I was airborne and that I needed grounding. However, a web appeared and there I was -- Spider a weaver of webs, chords and filaments of dark and light.


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