
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cedar Longhouse

I attended a meeting today at the Duwamish Longhouse regarding education for Native children. There is an uprising underfoot and people of grassroots are speaking. A Seattle School Board member and the Chief Academic Officer were in attendance and responded to questions. Positive change is happening and this passionate native community is not going away.

I love speaking in the Longhouse. I am able to let my passion move and speak my insight-out language. I am so honored to be with people who speak the same language! Near the end of the meeting one woman got out of her seat, walked over to me and asked if I still wanted to speak as I had my hand up earlier. I said yes so she went across the room to the moderator to inform her. I was then given the space to speak about the old dominant culture disentegrating and a new one rising. One that is a whole system and honors all voices, colors and cultures. This is a rainbow system. An elder commented after the meeting that I give "good speeches."
This could sound so egotistical...but it's not. It's about fitting into a community. During the meeting I noticed that my body was rivotted to the floor -- I have never been so grounded as I was today in that cedar longhouse. Love continues to blossom and round out.

Another positive development -- I met someone who is an artist. He is interested in doing art for Circle of Life booklets! He will also be a mentor for my project proposal as he has worked with non-profits. We will set up a meeting next month. Step by step life moves one forward to a place unknown...yet welcomed.


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