
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cougar/Mountain Lion Medicine

AM Dream:

In a car with mom and she was driving (she never learned to drive in this realm due to deafness). She was making turns too wide and I asked to take the wheel. As we got out of the car I skimmed the scene and a second later it hit me…was that a cougar? I focused in and saw that a cougar was among us! I was then concerned about the cougar’s intent. I watched as it came toward me. I communicated with it telepathically transcending its earthy form in order to connect with its spirit. This took some effort/intention. Then…our spirits merged in a white light flash.

Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson

Mountain Lion - Leadership

Mountain Lion can be a very difficult power totem for you to have, because it places you in a position to be a target for the problems of others. You could be blamed for things going wrong, or for always taking charge when others cannot. You could become the perfect justification for the insecurities of others.

Mountain Lion medicine involves lessons on the use of power in leadership. It is the ability to lead without insisting that others follow. It is the understanding that all beings are potential leaders in their own ways. The use and abuse of power in a position of influence are part of this great cat’s medicine.

By observing the graceful pounce of Mountain Lion, you will learn how to balance power, intention, physical strength, and grace. This relates, in human terms, to the balance of body, mind and spirit. The giant feline never wastes anything. It only kills what it needs for survival. The female lion is the hunter who graces her table in a style akin to mother energy.

If Mountain Lion has come to you in dreams, it is a time to stand on your convictions and led yourself where your heart takes you. Others may choose to follow, and the lessons will multiply. If you have pulled the card of Mountain Lion, you may be asked to review the purpose behind your personal beliefs. You may need to discover whether or not your plans include a pride of cubs wanting to be like you or to share in your dreams. If you are already a leader, the question may be whether or not the time has come to push the cubs out of the cave. If you are aligned with cat medicine, you are considered to be “king of the mountain,” and never allowed to be human or vulnerable. The pitfalls are many, but the rewards are great.

In assuming the place of power that Mountain Lion affords, you must constantly be aware of keeping peace. However you can never make everyone happy unless you lie to yourself or others. This is human nature. Therefore the first responsibility of leadership is to tell the truth. Know it and live it, and your example will filter down to the tiniest cub in the pride. Responsibility is not more that the ability to respond to any situation. Panic is not a part of this sacred medicine.

The recent appearance of so many power animals reminds me of Noah’s Ark. Where are we going? Soon we are going to a Visionseeker shamanic workshop with Hank and Jill. That will be an adventure! I had a brief phone chat with Jill this week…she is very grounded, anchored and will be a good influence in my life.


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