
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aloha Ley Line

I begin to see life as ley line. Does that mean I am or I create ley line? And what does ley line have to do with grounding? I’m hearing here/now that spirit beings of light use ley lines to press into and impress matter.

I begin to see that when ley line in this middle world aligns with ley line in upper and lower world magic happens. What is magic? Is it not the co-creation and cooperation of life forces?

I have an image I drew years ago that seems to represent this picture. It’s the image of “Dragon Eye” and reminds me of a crystal. Is lens of eye a crystal? The image reminds me of equilibrium and looks like a gyroscope. Like the circle of life I now teach, this image was created through inner senses via inner journey.

Ley line that unfolds in front of me said “aloha” again last night at the Native Entrepreneurship – New Business Development Training. I sat next to a Hawaiian couple who gave me a brochure about an event they have helped organize for the past five years: Kalama Heritage Festival: “Celebrating the spirits of pow-wow and aloha. …we are honored to combine the spirits of pow-wow and luau, creating a unique atmosphere of celebration honoring the mixed bloodlines of Native Americans and Native Hawaiins.” Is something building around “aloha” in preparation of my shamanic training with Hank and Jill who weave aloha threads?

Starting a new business is not something I dreamed of or even imagined. New business training opened up before me and was simply the next step in the ley line of life. Where it leads will unfold in front of me in the same way. Here/now I get the image of a vine reaching out to unfurl and grow organically. Life is a natural creative process – which is why I relate to gardening and working the land.

This Native business training has a totally different tone than the sessions I was attending at Worksource with unemployment. It encourages community! Members of the class are not on this journey alone – we will be supporting one another in the development and implementation process. The fact that this is a Native community is exactly what I need in order to meet this community for Circle of Life classes. I now get to ground my ideas into action!

I heard from a bookstore in Carmel about teaching my class. They asked if I'd written a book. I do want to publish my children's story Turtle's Circle of Life so that it can be a "product" of the class services that my business provides. I am still waiting for art/artist. I begin to realize that I may not want to teach anything or relate to people after shamanic training. I may need time to process. And yet I may welcome the opportunity to ground “aloha.” This is the challenge with living in the moment. I have no idea how the energy is going to move. Will I want/need to charge in solitude or to discharge with people?

I’ve been thinking about charge and recharge so I need to ground it via communication. That way the process can unfold. Not communicating blocks the flow of consciousiness. Humans have created a lot of blocks and that equates to disease individually and collectively. I know several people who have thyroid issues. Does this disease not have to do with communication: how and what one communicates. If “aloha” was communicating there would be less disease.

Charge is negative, receptive, receiving. Discharge is positive, outgoing, giving. Charge is East. Discharge is West. What is North and South? Neutron? Does atom have two neutrons? Is neutron a place of stillness and recharge? There is a reason for four cardinal points. They are the places of turning. An atom has four points as does any healthy circle be it micro or macro.


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