
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pastel Lines NW/SE

It's not easy being non-native and wanting to teach Circle of Life classes to Native Youth and Elders. I am asked my tribe. I say that I'm Native in heart line not blood line. Yesterday I said that my tribe was the Great Spirit. What else can I say? If Great Spirit is my tribe then I belong to ALL tribes.

Lately I'm more awake at night than I am asleep. This morning I laid down for a nap and as soon as I closed my eyes I saw those thin and bright pastel lines that have gentle, soft curves in a NW/SE path. Previous lines have intersected creating a flower image. (I draw these so I can remember.) Lines today were not touching at all. Happy and soft lines -- interdependent. Aloha lines? I noticed the lines flash across my eyes as if I was seeing them with earth eyes rather than spirit eye -- Dragon Eye of Kundalini System. It was as if there is one triangle composed of two lower eyes and one mystical third eye. Some sort of movement happened here. Maybe an integration with less separation.

Would this explain my increasing spaciness? I am not grounded much of the time. Where am I if I'm not in this realm? Do I need more anchoring here? What does that look like?


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