
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Aligned Mirrors

A Native man is now in my orbital space. He's an orb I relate to from a distance. He has features and ways that are new. I feel shy around him and asked inner guidance about this. He then shifted into Buffalo. This image represents his stature and helps me relate.

This Buffalo Man has reached out to me twice hand to shoulder. I like this grounding gesture. I have not reached out to him in the same way. I have, however, been "instructed" to reach out energetically with a specific gesture which is right hand to right hand, fingers to fingers and forearm to forearm. This gesture is both sensual and grounding. Outreach has to do with electricity -- those electrons again! It's my turn to reach out to him in this realm. Body will have to guide me in the moment. This does make my emotional body happy.

I'm not sure who my inner teacher is and who my teachers are. I don't know where my "medicine" comes from. I do know light beings of upper world and under world. My job is to listen and express gratitude -- "to the whole" is what comes through now.

Sorcerer is mentioned in The Shamanic Way of the Bee. S/he was directly connected with Pan and the Way of the Pollen. S/he was connected to Source. How that term has changed during these times. How distorted Truth has become. Reminding me of fractured mirrors at the Fun House at Puyallup Fair. Mirrors out of alignment. Mirrors that connect upper, middle and lower worlds.

Perhaps our work here and now is to correct the distorted mirror lens. Mirrors to me represent clear and still waters. Waters represent electricity. Electricity represent grounded Earth Body. Earth Body is sacred.


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