
Monday, September 7, 2009

Ley Lines

This blog is my ley line; my lifeline. I charge, discharge and recharge here. This electrical circuitry is grounded via communication. It is a release and movement of e-motional pressure and keeps me in equalibrium.

After writing my blog post yesterday morning I noticed that my body was engaging in deep inhales -- from unconscious depths. This told me that electrical grounding is intense, passionate work. In The Shamanic Way of the Bee one reads: "The Bee Master Knows" and "The Bee Mistress Knows." In my case it's The Body Knows. This doesn't mean that all my lines, wires and patterns are crystal clear. It does mean I have a connection and relationship with parts of myself -- especially Light -- my first teacher.

The grounding and sensual gesture I was shown with hand, fingers, forearm is Bear! Yep, that evolved into Bear! Is some sort of new totem being built? I know I have my own totem starting with salamander and serpent to turtle, dragon, horse. Now Bee, Buffalo and Bear appear -- in a very short time. Is this new lineage in association with an outer male? I could draw these totem allies in a Circle of Life format --- how fun!

I finished reading Hank's Visionseeker and Simon's The Way of the Bee last night. I am grateful to know men who love the Sacred Feminine that moves through Nature and the Great Mystery. Men who acknowledge Her in very conscious ways. I always wonder if men are underneath what they appear to be on the surface. Do these men respect women in their lives? I don't know Simon but I do know that Hank is genuinely devoted to his wife and that he does walk his talk. This is hopeful -- with rainbow of full colors.


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