
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Grounding Time

Yesterday in the shade of poplars, while weeding the Heritage Garden, I found a 23" snake skin. Such a significant gift after the many visions and dreams I've had over 35 years of my life. This feels like a grounding of spirit/energy and matter/earth. "Grounding what?" I ask. "Welcome" is what comes through here/now. As always this is not about me as one part but about one collective conscious body of many bodies. Gratefulness is an ongoing emotion. I thought I would put the pliable snake skin in a medicine pouch I made many years ago. However, my eyes like to look at it so will keep it on my shelf with my other medicine.

Now I know more clearly why I wanted to weed this garden by hand and why I asked the men in the Grange not to bring out their machinery. Macinery doesn't relate to the land the way human hands do; and human hands cannot have enchanting experiences when machines do the work; and machines do not charge the Earth with Love the way human hands do.

This may be why I had to stop engaging in social networking. Relating to people I don't know or barely know doesn't have enough earth charge for me -- it doesn't move full circle and ground. At least that is what my body is communicating at this time. I simply have no energy to respond to many of the emails that come through from the larger community. Perhaps I have a new focus now. One that includes the larger community in a new way. It's always a mystery as to what is transpiring. As in quantum physics one knows what's happening when one sees it in front of you -- in the moment.

Dream this AM: Listening and watching for an earthquake. It happened somewhere and we were preparing by gathering supplies. It's as if the earthquake happened in another realm as there was no effect in the one I was in. The effect here was the preparation.

If my body got burned out on communication that didn't ground fully what is the experience of Mother Earth's body? Is she not getting charged through the sensual and emotional grounding of Love? Is all the techno and machinery worship cutting off her source of electromagneticism that maintains equilibrium? She needs more direct communication! What does that look like? The first thing I think of is ritual in and with Nature. Drumming, singing, dancing, circle fires, etc. The whole body in relationship with earth -- not just our mental minds! The elementals (spirits "pressing" into and expressing as water, air, earth, fire) faery beings, power animals, spirit allies with all sizes of wings need to be recognized as part of our Family of Light.

Will an earthquake create this grounding opportunity? Will Mother Earth find equilibrium when humans evolve to a more simple and earth-centered way of life?


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