
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Local Community Outreach

Something unusual happened yesterday. I received an email from United Indians of All Tribes Foundation regarding a community meeting date. I put it on my calendar. I then received another email saying that the date in the text was incorrect and that the meeting was September 20. I thought this was odd because the date I saw was September 20 and that's what I had written on my calendar. I looked at the original email and there it was...the date was September 12. I'm tracking /grounding this because it has to do with Seeing. It was as if I was in that spacey twilight zone and my eyes saw what was true -- rather than what was written. My Seeing has had to do with inner relationship between Light and Earth bodies (auric, psychic, emotional, mental, physical). This new experience of Seeing had to do with outer relationship with a community. I track changes in terrain that represent news. A shifting of Light. This is not the news we are fed by the media.

I am no longer interested in social networking. I'm not sure what happened to that attraction with a global body. It feels as if it was an expansion phase and that now I'm in a contracton phase. I no longer enjoy chatting online with people I don't know -- people I've never seen or heard. It feels very mental. I now prefer to be with real people. It's much more...sensual....alive!

I'm attending committee meetings at UIATF and am surprised at how outspoken I am. I think it has to do with being unemployed for so long. I have all this energy to give....I want to work. (that "love made visible") I had another "soft" experience with a man on the committee. This was the result of eye to eye contact. At my previous job I noticed how people would not look eye to eye. Now, I am finding an experience of softness in the Native Community. It's all very interesting to me - my consciousness that observes it all. I know that some people don't like me being so "conscious". Can't I just have fun...not be so serious? For me being conscious is Fun-filling. It makes me happy!

Tonight I called a couple of people who attended last week's committee meeting but who missed the meeting today. Outreach via phone is something I love to do and am good at's nurturing as well as productive! One woman is an Elder. I'm taking her tomatoes from my garden next week. I spoke with another man about an auction item. He's going to make one or two necklaces. I asked for a description: Traditionl SW design; semi-precious gemstones; shells; buffalo bone; strung with buffalo sinew; New Zealond abolone shell; imitation bear claws; freshwater pearls; all natural. Buffalo and Bear continue to imprint their tracks. And that's how Great Spirit lets me know I'm on the right path.


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