
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Safe Grounding

At the committee meetings with United Indians I notice that I’m detail oriented. I want to ground the parts. I made a flier for the meeting today – a flier is a map that gives details for an event. It is a grounding tool. I’m happy to recognize my masculine side.

My friend is working on art for Turtle’s Circle of Life! She is enthused about it and has created the first image. I’m eager to see her spirit shine through the images and eager to see Turtle come to life!

It dawned on me yesterday that I can produce a chap book of Native stories/poems/art by elders and youth as I need a product for a Holiday Showcase with the business training. I’m glad to have this focus and to be pointed in a specific direction.

I contacted Singing Feet leader Mike and now have permission to spend time with the kids and hopefully inspire them to create something for a book. He invited me to “pull the canoe” with their Blueheron group. I am honored at this invitation. However, it could be more of a commitment than I can make. It involves learning the songs and spending time. My focus now is to plan a business and soon generate income via employment and/or a Circle of Life business. I also have a scheduled class (the first one of which I’m getting paid a decent fee) with a United Indians' youth healing circle. Perhaps I can engage these youth in the book project as well.

A lot happening in my orbital field last night -- a lot of energies coming in. I couldn’t sleep and finally got up to look at the time: 3:00 AM. I then started to fall to sleep…at a certain brainwave level and time (at the pre-turning of sunrise) I felt a presence at the side of my bed. I didn’t like the intrusion and became very alert. This entity put his hands on both sides of me. I was facing south and worked very hard at turning to face him. It was work because of the pressure force on me – maybe the brain wave and level of consciousness or this entity’s intent. I screamed and screamed letting this being know that I was watching. No sound came out of my mouth. There was a window above me facing the open sky. What I get here/now is that this was my breathing tube, my life line. I kept awareness on this window into the cosmos. When I rose into wakeful consciousness I watched and listened. I noticed that I didn’t feel toxicity. This experience reminds me of spirit possession. Tracker harassment has escalated this week targeting me with his venom. Was this Tracker trickster?

Why do men make war against women and thus, Earth Mother? Why the aggression that stems from fear? Why the hatred? After the intrusion I thought about how dark spirits control people and use people for their purposes. That people have attachments and are not free. As it is for humans so is it for the planet. We must do healing work to neutralize these forces. Humans were created as Light Beings. Shadow charge is out of control and needs to be reigned in for balance. I continue on this healing path grounding my Love and Light here now as all things are made new.


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