
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Power Underground

“Too charged” means too out-going. Does that mean too much discharge? This language seems confused as if it’s lost its true meaning.

There seems to be a thread of shame that comes up for me when a door closes. As if I did something wrong. Perhaps this stems from being a sensitive and timid child; one who held pain within rather than lashing out in anger towards others. Now that I hold more masculine logic and inner grounding I can move through these shifts more easily. It’s a snake pattern – SSS curve design. Serpentine ley lines which are my true roots! What’s missing is work in this middle world – work that aligns inside out.

The truth to closing doors is that there is another path. Be ye not attached!

I am meeting with Anna tomorrow and together we will write her story. This storytelling feels like the heart of the Circle of Life class. It fills me up like a breathing tube -- like a life line. Does that mean Ancestors and Spirit Beings are with me?

Now that the training is closed I need another way to plug in to the native tribes and will start asking questions. Do I need a “sponsor” to introduce me to the tribes? Do I need a “contract” to do this work in the native communities?

It turns out that I received an electronic copy of the 44 page New Business Training manual (because the class manuals weren’t available and because I have to miss the next two classes – another reason for not being accepted.). I’ve been working with the manual and developing my business plan. I appreciate CASH for the way it’s designed. It breaks up a business plan into workable pieces. This is so helpful! This short encounter with CASH training also inspired me to write a booklet of Native Elder and Youth stories. I’m grateful for this support – which does seem rather underground.


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