
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It was fun to spend Sunday at Daybreak Star for a community event to learn more about Pathways to Prosperity program. At the end of the event one staff person handed me baked salmon to take home. He said I could volunteer at Head Start anytime. Another staff person handed me flowers. Native people respect their elders. And…we prayed before the event and drum music played. Heaven!!! I’m “falling in love” with this community. What does that mean? Does that mean energy moves from the beginning of East and flows South. This seems to be the “honeymoon” phase. Sometimes relationships don’t evolve beyond this phase and thus get burned out. I’m at a place where I want and need ground in order to thrive.

A friend sent me an email stating that unemployment benefits may be extended! I am creating the work I want to do in this world. I appreciate the time to let this creation unfold.

My Circle of Life class has expanded into a program/project with three components: A mapping class that teaches students to pull threads from the E/S/W/N circle of their life; a writing class that helps students weave their threads into a story; a publishing phase that gathers multiple stories into one rich fabric that is a Circle of Life booklet. My family owns a printing company and can assist with soft-bound books. I have three possible homes for this Circle of Life program/project.

1) UIATF – submit a proposal to the Board of Directors to see if this project fits into Pathways for Prosperity (funds from grants I write)

2) Community Threads – apply for start-up funds. Several tribes have forms online with timelines stated.

3) Native Education – the native community wants a new support system for education. (We have a meeting this Saturday.) Perhaps this project/program would have funding in this new system?

I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do when MCing an event (International Day of Peace). I could have done a lot of things better…more smoothly. I was very unprepared and preferred going with the flow. That doesn’t work when I need detailed information such as the names and titles of the varied speakers/presenters/musicians, etc. The amazing thing I notice today is that I don’t have that feeling of dread in my body that used to sprout up when things didn’t go smoothly. I think I am holding less grief…and that negative space is now replaced with joy! I noticed many lethargic faces and bodies in the audience last night even when we were singing upbeat peace songs. It does take awhile to warm up an audience. At the end of the two hours energy had started to move from and between people.

I thought about Tracker last night at the event. His teachings came through at one point and I was able to honor those teachings via my words to the audience. Tracker was not always as aggressive and dark as he is now. Love flowed between us. I am reminded of my own dark days and when I hit bottom. There is an inner eye that is always watching no matter how dark it gets. That inner love can steer one in a new direction of light. Self-love is an inner light always shining. In our time we are driven to madness of selfish indulgence of ego. And yet that can shift at the darkest hour. Self-love holds infinite wisdom and grace.

Bee has been hanging around. I awoke one morning recently feeling bee features in my eyes; flowers at Daybreak Star and a reference to “honey”; and a honeybee in the flowers I bought yesterday for a couple of key volunteers. Also several bees buzzing by right ear at garden. I honor Bee.


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