
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Circular Pathways

Another dream segment from yesterday was that after the cougar encounter I was driving and felt pressure around my upper left arm. It was so real that I looked to see what it was. I saw nothing. This is a recurring dream theme. Not sure what upper arm "tattoo" represents. I am aware that some indigenous people wore upper arm jewelry/markings. Maybe it's my serpent!

I hugged that attractive Native man -- in real time. In the semi-embrace I heard myself say: "It's good to be here again." The words expanded the emotion, the rounded (soft and comfy) energy, of that moment. I looked at that statement later and asked what it meant. Does it mean I was with this man/these people in another lifetime? Does it mean that I was on that high bluff in another lifetime? What about reincarnation and blood lines and DNA? Why do I have such intense emotion for my Native brothers and sisters here in Puget Sound? Why do I feel Native when it isn't my blood line? Perhaps there are heart lines or ley lines that follow a different path -- one that left-brained scientists have yet to discover from that limited view.


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