
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Protective Shield

"What is real time?" I asked. I got that it's a grounding of water, air, earth, fire, mineral. It's a full circle in this realm of matter AND spirit. No, we don't have to go anywhere else to experience spirit. Spirit and matter co-operate and co-create.

There is a protective shield around Earth generated by emotions that watch, listen and act rather than react. The shield is one whole with many parts. At center is Heart of Love which I see/know as white Light. This shield has developed over time. "What is time?" I ask. It's a spectrum of sound, color, emotion, motion.

I was listening to Dana's Circle the World CD and heard Jane Goodall tell the story about Greybeard, a chimpanzee, who she communicated with eye to eye and hand to hand. It struck me how loving this creature was. It also struck me that the human species has been and is being manipulated by dark forces that are self-absorbed like black holes. The human brain and computers are similar. However, humans are not machines. We have heart that is directly linked to feminine Nature. Earth matter will not be turned into a machine nor will it tolerate the onslaught of abuse. Dark forces use technology that acts like virus worms to corrupt parts and systems. The pattern is seen and thus loses power.

Dark forces are being tracked even as they think they are tracking. Dark forces are being watched (like that dreamtime open window to the cosmos) just as they think they are watching. We of dark and light forces are of one fabric you know. It's time to relinquish aggressive dominance and partner in co-creative action. You, my friend, are no longer dominant.


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