
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cat Fight

I was listening to a woman speak at the shamanic practitioner week. She is charming and a good storyteller. She is a wise woman. As all my senses were focused on her I witnessed my heart chakra open up across my chest and light pour forth. I have never experienced such a flood of love. It was as if my heart cracked open. Emotional waves swept over me and tears crashed to shore. I wondered if this was a soul sister experience.

Later that day I noticed an energy shift with this woman and found myself in a psychic space with her. We were clashing and harsh words flew. I later identified this as a "cat fight." In that psychic space I told her that I wasn't interested in her husband. She lashed out anyway. I didn't want to stay engaged in this negative space so I sealed the space with white light and disengaged. This was very sad for me as I had just experienced this incredible love for her and then she lashed out at me. I think I witnessed this woman's wounds. Husbands who treat women as sexual objects hurt their wives. Husbands who lust after women are abusive. This behavior is an insult to the intelligence of woman -- her mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence. What does a woman do about a partner who is lusting after other women? I can answer from personal experience: She stays until she learns about the pattern to get "daddy" to love her; until she gets a life that revolves around her own interests; until she is tired of her own mirrored lusting after other men. She stays until she evolves and sees the light. Women are not victims and it's time that we say "NO" to the aggressive and shallow nature of men.

And my question remains: When will men tell these stories of abuse and recovery? When will men remember their true nature that includes inner feminine and masculine parts? When will men meet their sacred Self? Maybe when women do so...and refuse any less from men. We are on this path together. We reach out to one another woman to woman, man to man, woman to man, man to woman. Threads of love are woven here and now. These are healing times.


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