
Friday, October 16, 2009


I appreciate sitting in conversation with storyteller and artist Roger Fernandes. I feel honored to receive his knowledge and hear traditional stories that honor parts of creation. He will contact local storytellers and we will look at planning a project. Roger says that they need an administrator so I will play that role.

Roger and I are coming together from different angles. I am interested in gathering and telling personal stories and he supports telling traditional stories. I suggested that we weave them together in storytelling circles. He did say that he could "expand" to consider that.

My friend sent me art for my Turtle's Circle of Life story. It is wonderful and made me realize that I have my own images/lines that align with the story lines. I had no idea...I guess that's the creative and evolving process. So, I will thank her profusely and pay her. When I mentioned this to Roger he informed me that artists work with authors and help bring their images to life. I will sit with my story and draw the images.

I am now a storyteller -- Turtle of Life is my journey and story around the Circle of Life. Reminds me that: "We must be the things we wish to see in the world."


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