
Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Angle and Position = Shift

I experienced another shift that had to do with a pattern of relationship. I was observing and acting from/within past patterns. Then...I saw from a new position! The feeling of this shift was one of if my space expanded. I saw more!

I see a circle with arrow -- much like the visuals that Gregg and Bruce shared last Saturday at You Can Heal Your Life. The arrow moves in relationship to circle N to E to S and feels to shift inside the circle. This shift feels associated with new angle and position.

In Gregg Braden's 3rd CD of Speaking the Lost Language of God I learn that book 3 of The Dead Sea Scrolls left specific instructions 2200 years ago:

"Three are the dwellings of the sons and daughters of man. Thought, feeling and body. When these three become as one you will say to the mountain "move" and the mountain will move."

Feeling is associated with sacred feminine. We cannot avoid having this conversation. Acting and communicating is associated with sacred masculine.

There is feeling associated with emotion and there is feeling associated with knowing. What is the difference? I can't see this on my own. As a collective body we create this conversation and thus, knowing. Knowing seems to be a collective experience and expression. That quantum field. Knowing is Light...which is more of an intuitive than logical statement from me.

I am building a case around (not against) GPS Tracker, computer Hacker and Stalker. I am doing an "intervention" because I care about this being made up of matter and photons. It's not okay for sorcerers to manipulate and interfere with energy and matter of humankind individually and collectively. This old pattern is shifting due to new angle and position of Light on Earth.

Light continues to expand and in this expansion all things are made new.


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