
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kaleidoscope of Life

I am in relationship with a current under, over and around me. It moves me. I am in relationship with a force behind the current. It is steady and focused like a lens through which I see. Both remind me of a kaleidoscope.

The story behind this knowing/seeing revolves around my unemployment journey. At first I was frantically creating projects and making connections -- planting seeds and knocking on doors. Recently some of the projects fell away and I had one focus: Circle of Life project. Something shifted last Saturday and I saw that I was approaching the Indian community as an outsider. there was a certain angle to it. After being accepted into the community I saw that I had a new angle. I now had new questions. It was no longer this is what I have to offer you but rather what support do you need? How can I be of service and enhance your vision and dreams for your community? I knew this pattern when I worked at Children's Home Society. People would call and tell me what in-kind donations they had and how they wanted to volunteer. I always wondered why they never asked what we needed first. This is an old pattern of association that has to do with separation. It lacks intelligence.

So, now that I've seen this lesson I am yielding in that current that holds me. I am not frantic about a new job. I saw how Native people listen first and take their time. It's so helpful to see this played out -- it is the power that reprograms one's subconscious and thus brain and muscles. Reprogramming requires more than words.

And I experience yet another shift. I have no idea where the current leads me. Not true.....I do know! In the moment! This lesson and this journey of life has to do with trusting the momentum of the moment.

This is the test as we continue to live in turbulent times. Where is one's focus? On that which is changing or that which is omnipresent and omnipotent.

I celebrate those people who are in the current with me and I celebrate those seasons of relationships. Life is constant change. Love is constant e-motion.


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