
Friday, October 16, 2009

Sacred Circle

The final CD in Speaking the Lost Language of God has much inspiring information. Some notes:

~ feeling is the language that communicates
~ energy and matter are interchangeable
~ feeling and experience are interchangeable
~ E=mc2
~ there is connection between matter and energy
~ if we can feel something we can create it
~ feeling carries the power
~ heart and brain dialogue is based on feelings in heart
~ heart and brain dialogue creates life affirming or life denying chemicals
~ heart, brain, body chemistry registers on the quantum level of creation
~ heart links us to the mind of God
~ "Science has taken us as far as we can go with left brain logic. Now, to survive we must re-incorporate our right brain experience, our feminine intuition."
~ visible world is the reflection of our thought, feeling and emotion
~ we must be the things we wish to see in the world

Good medicine! I would add:

~ heart links us to the heart of Goddess; mind links us to the mind of God
and heart links us to the mind of God; mind links us to the heart of Goddess

For some reason this feels like an 8 flow. Could it be E = mc4? Which reminds me of a circle. Matter and energy are associated with circular orbs. Does the emission (the union and radiation of + and - charge) of light through matter create circle? Are there not four directional points on a circle? Circle is sacred -- circle represents Life.

When we speak a new language of God and Goddess we will see Great Spirit reflected in our visible world and in all worlds. We will see with new eyes. No, we have not been here before. We evolve in fertile field of Love.

Thank God and Goddess!


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