
Monday, October 19, 2009

Grounding of Values!

Dream: A man asked me to marry him. It was the same man I was married to years ago in this realm. I said yes in the dream and seemed happy. Then...there was some shift and I realized that this man lied to himself and to me. I didn't want to marry this man so I changed my mind. I told him no.

This shift from denial and an old pattern of choosing unhealthy men into truth and making new choices seems rather significant. As if something aligned and anchored between realms. Maybe a reprogramming from being asleep and unconscious to being awake and aware. Maybe this reflects a healing of my fear and distrust of men.

On Highway 410 there was a shift of land. An entire hillside moved! It was a rotational shift where the movement went E/SE/S/SW. A lot of shifting going on!

I received a couple of emails today regarding our county cutting funds for agricultural programs. I'm taking action and wrote a pro-ag statement. I will take this to local farms and businesses that are pro-ag for their signature. I hope to take this statement to the City Council meeting Thursday night. This is what I have written and I'm asking for input from neighbors/associates/friends here in this valley since this is our collective voice.

Redmond City Council:

We, the people of Sammamish Valley, unite and raise a collective voice in support of agricultural land and programs. We are local farmers, gardeners, businesses, artists, poets, writers and visionaries who support a local food system that nourishes the land and the people. We are proud that Sammamish Valley is one of the ten most fertile farmlands in the United States.

We unite and request that our agricultural valley and our agricultural values be supported at this time of local and global environmental crisis, health risks and economic challenges.

Our food system sustains more than our bodies. For many of us working the land is a spiritual experience--one that sustains our souls. Agricultural lands and programs deserve top funding priority. They provide a whole health service, varied business opportunities and a sustainable system in our community and for our community.


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