
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


CNN report says that white house officials denounce Fox news as it is not objective. Is any of our news objective. Would not objective mean balanced? For every negative story aired the media is responsible for airing a positive story. These two story lines must weave if we are to have balance. Our children need role models via stories that are positive, hopeful, healing, etc. This is why we need Native traditional stories in our mainstream culture. This is why there needs to be more cross cultural programming.

The developer who wanted to change the zoning codes here withdrew his proposal due to the opposition -- especially expressed at our local Grange. He did say that he would be back to make the same proposals "one on one." Citizens with heaven/earth values must unify and stand up!

I really like the jewelry that native men wear...especially the bracelets. One man wears a beaded bracelet of soft blue and salmon color...I think. I am mesmerized by this bracelet and realized why....these soft pastel colors are the colors of those threads that weave in my etheric awareness. Etheric means enchantment. Now, why can't we have news about enchantment??


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