
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pure Love Radiates Full Circle

I read in Organic Consumers Association e-news that Mexico has approved genetically modified food crops. Does that mean that Monsanto is associated with the drug cartel? Does that mean that Monsanto is part of the dark force that is destroying Nature and Life on this planet? It's one battle. Darkness will not dominate this planet and Light will increase in our solar system. This is my reality and my "news" that I am passionate about broadcasting.

Called Muckleshoot Tribe regarding Circle of Life project and was put in contact with the "culture" department. I met with that person yesterday. I was amazed at the changes in that "village" (term used by this person). A new state-of-the-art school and tribal center. My agency used to have a program at Muckleshoot so I can appreciate the changes. I introduced my Circle of Life class and we chatted. I was full of energy and emotion and noticed that he didn't emote in the same way. He was very somber and business like. I asked about his work and if he was a scientist. He said that he was a historian and in that same breath he lit up. Ahhhh...emotion! He gathers stories for their cultural preservation. Stories around plants, huckleberries and oysters for example. I showed him the plant wheel I made last spring. It's a circle on paper with plant life glued all around. He identified many of the plants that I had picked from my backyard valley. He gave me contacts for program staff so I can follow up further. I was able to find my out of that office maze because there is a huge black bear hide on the wall. The place is like a museum. As I was sitting in the lobby on a beautiful leather couch reading their newspaper I heard "Trish." I looked up and there was this man standing several feet away ready to climb the stairs. He waved to me with a full warm smile. I was so touched by this emotional gesture. I asked myself later why this contact meant so much to me. I got that I'm like a flower and need sunlight. I also got that I am sun and give sunlight. A friendship was developed man to woman. A friendship pure. I am still full from this experience in a new quality of Love.

I have this notion that I need to make personal contact with each tribe that I am requesting a grant. Maybe it has to do with stepping onto their lands and into their villages. I have one month to do this and get my grant in to one of the funders. It's time to get focused!


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