
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sacred Feminine

The violence and hatred that was acted out in the gang rape of the 15-year-old at Richmond high school is indication that our young people are in a dark state. Which, in turn, is indication that parents are no more enlightened. I'm not referring to enlightenment as the end of a spiritual journey but rather as the love and compassion that is expressed throughout one's life on planet Earth.

Why do women continue to be abused, raped and disrespected? Why is this pattern so pervasive? The Sacred Feminine is forgotten. She's excluded in our history, our bible and in our language. Where are the heroines? CNN refers to their good news feature as "Heroes" -- what about Heroines? Religion and spiritual teachings refer to God. Where is Goddess? Where is that feminine aspect of the atom, the physical body, and the planet? Where is that unique charge and polarity that complements the Sacred Masculine creating a dynamic electro-magnetic field called life? Violence, hate crimes, abuse, rape reveal that the life force of individuals and our planet is deteriorating. What fills in that void? Darkness and evil.

The Sacred Feminine is half of one whole equation. She's intuition that balances logic. She's right brain that balances left. She's receptivity that balances action. She's listening that balances doing. It's time to shift into new intelligence that includes love of the Sacred Feminine. This is not gender specific. The Sacred Feminine is an aspect of creation.

If we are to find new footing and evolve into a higher expression of love we must first look within and take personal responsibility. No laws or policies will inspire people to change their minds and hearts. We must inspire one another through emotional intelligence that brings out the best in one another and circumstances.

The Sacred Feminine is present in all Nature waiting to connect and nourish body, mind, and emotion. Turn Her direction. Listen for Her wisdom. Act from Her deep source of Love. Only then will we have a new language that reflects Her presence in our lives and on our Beloved Earth Mother.


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