
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trim Tab

An "inner compass" requires someone to be in the driver's seat. Someone to pull in the reigns when feelings or thoughts get out of line. Someone to monitor the balance of feeling, thought, word and action. Someone to keep all points well rounded and moving in evol.

If male is masculine force and if female is feminine force who is overseeing these two opposite forces?

Seems to be some transcendent force above, below and through it all.

Years ago I drew such an image and wrote on the page "songlines." If I was more linear and left brained I would have written the date also.

I'm going to show this image to native artist Roger tomorrow. I hope to have this image on the Circle of Life stories CD. Are not stories songlines? Stories, that have a beginning in the East, challenges in the South, Solutions in the West and a full circle closure of wisdom via gratitude in the North?

I've also referred to the image as Dragon Eye...and I AM.

I think of "trim tab." What force brings this information into conscious mind? Information that supports via inspiration. Spirit is a magical and unifying force!

trim tab 
–noun Aeronautics.
an independently controlled tab set in the trailing edge of a control surface, as an elevator, aileron, or rudder, to hold it in a position suitable for stabilizing the aircraft in a flight attitude.


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