
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Higher Order

World disastors bring humanity together in profound ways. People risk their lives to save others. This is the polar opposite of terrorist bombings and Wall Street greed. Prayers go out to those suffering.

I was drawn to meditate again -- and drum. The drumming shifts parts of my brain energetically. I can feel parts settle in --- it's very subtle.

There are lines associated with the vibrations at the bridge of my nose that move as >. It's a line that moves out in front of me and comes back to me. Must be those new boundaries. I think this is that gyroscopic "egg" that I live in or that surrounds me. It's an image I drew years ago and gave the name "songlines." It's an image that represents the Circle of Life and will be included in my children's book.

A gyroscope reminds me of a prism and crystal. It likes to be upright/aligned and wreaks havoc on systems when it is lopsided and wobbly.

I see that I gravitate toward refined carbs. This is nothing new...I've known this for a long time. However, consciousness wraps increasingly around this pattern. If I orbit around carbs how do I re-orientate and change the pattern? Right now the answer is meditation and drumming. This helps create a new..."pitch" is the word that volunteered itself just now. This vibration lives at the core.

Earth is shifting into new positions because of new boundaries. The planet is riding these waves of change and humans are being impacted. When identity is in spirit the pain and grief is lessened. When identity is in this world suffering is great. One can know both worlds while riding the waves of emotion. Life does not always make sense. One trusts higher order.


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