
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Healing Universe

I didn't know how much my children meant to me until I broke our family system apart by something I said. As a result I'm reaching out to my children and the two that were not directly involved in the collision are showing me that they are there. This means so much to me. It looks like it will take more time for the others to heal.

I had a collision with someone recently and we didn't speak for a week. In one phone conversation early this week the conflict turned into order and increased clarity. Why does one system spiral upward and the other stay in conflict?

It takes two to heal. Two to open their hearts, forgive themselves by taking personal responsibility and forgiving the other. This takes maturity.

I've learned that my children help me ground. And for the first time in my life I'm telling them that I need them in my life.

Purification is an amazing journey that gets increasingly pointed in both dark and light aspects. It carries an image of sword/line through the middle of an energetic radiant circle. It looks much like a Quasar -- a fire hose whhiping through space.


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