
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lines of Force

Driving out of my place I look up/South and see Hawk in tree. I mention this to Lady Selah on the phone...Hawk is a totem for her...given by her Ojibwe Nation after a journey/rite of passage. Driving East on Hi 520 Eagle is perched on the bridge looking Norht. A day of flight~~

If crown chakra is activating/opening what are my feet doing? There must be a chakra there as well because that's how the lines of force show up. > Each chakra has similar line of force...diverse however in music scale and color hue. They build one upon the other and create the ladder in dream.

These lines of force are making my life more HONEST. I no longer work at a job that is not fulfilling. I no longer commute 1-2 hours a day. I no longer find myself in a chaotic family environment that left me in tears more than once. I no longer find myself at my ex-husbands' house during holiday. I do find myself relating to people where I can be myself -- inside out. I do find myself doing work that represents my values -- inside out.

I have three mini-grants out to local tribes. It's taken some time to connect with someone with Elder Programs and introduce my project. Once that coordination is in place I send a grant proposal. I see many positive outcomes.


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