
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parts of the Whole

The universe - the whole - is taking care of me, one of its parts. I am able to receive unemployment for another year which allows me to continue to focus on Circle of Life and grant writing...and do my job searches, of course! My tax refund will allow me to pay the first installment to the illustrator of my children's book Turtle's Circle of Life and maybe enough left for for a lomi-lomi massage! I have to budget everything which does create order and timelines. My life has always been this way except when I lived on a golf course and belonged to a country club. The problem with that was the loss of Soul. So, I'm happy with moderate income and maintaining a simple budget.

This morning I received a phone call from an elder at the Lummi Tribe. A pleasant surprise as it has taken so much time and energy to make contact with people at the tribes. A return call was appreciated! I will take a couple of UIATF elders to Lummi for lunch in February and meet Gene Tagaban at The Urban Longhouse where I hope to have a Circle of Life event. Another elder with the Samish Tribe just called as well. It appears the pace of communication is picking up. Is it because Spring is around the corner and life picks up pace?


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