
Sunday, May 23, 2010


Went to Evergreen State College and the Synergy/Sustainability Conference to hear Dana sing. After the concert I heard one woman say to him, "All your songs are prayers." And then another said, "I am glad that you exist." It moved me to hear others articulate appreciation for Dana. Those of us who gravitate toward and resonate with Dana's music are a unique group of folks worldwide. Dana gave his first lecture on Personal and Community Empowerment. He sang an amazing song called Walking in Power. Dana has a vision and has been working on a project for 10 years. It's about good news and positive action that people of all ages can engage in locally. Project by project positive change can happen on our planet as previous systems fall. It's time for sustainable action and living. Time with Dana is emotionally charged and it's awkward to say goodbye so often I don't.

Some relationships are positive and provide an experience of addition. Others are negative and provide an experience of stagnation. I notice a new pattern in myself regarding communication with both positive and negative relationships. It's a flow to express positive emotion/thought even as one is making oneself vulnerable and at risk of rejection and abandonment. It's not as flowing for me to express emotion/thought in negative or chaotic relationship. I have to use more logic it seems. This lesson around communication has been life long as my family didn't communicate beyond the surface. Honest heart/mind communication is like a laser beam and is certain to create change in oneself, with another and in one's whole field. The lesson here is not to have expectation or attachment because change is around the corner and that change depends on those in one's field.

I've been thinking about "love thine enemy". I could not relate. However, if I change "love thine enemy, friend, lover" to mean "be honest with" then it makes sense. Love has to do with being honest. It's a pure energy that emits from heart/mind. Such expression decreases inner and outer pollution and makes the whole more light and bouyant.

Honest communication is associated with the discomfort I've been feeling in head, neck, shoulder. It has to do with the throat chakra which is the connection between head and body.


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