
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Manifestation on Earth

Found a black heart rock near my washer and dryer in the storage room. I had recently given a heart rock to a friend to offer to an ancient cedar tree he was going to visit. Odd that this rock should appear at my place. I didn't know where it came from, how it got to me or the energetic intent around it so I asked what to do with it. I immediately got to put it into soil to neutralize it. I had felt a dark cloud of energy hanging around so perhaps this will dispel that. Yes, I am aware of dark forces that try to sneak in and around. I protect myself.

It's happening more frequently that I have an idea or thought thread and then someone or something pops up for this thread to wrap around. It seems to be a quicker turn around time for earth manifestation. It's as if the parts are waiting for instruction/orchestration and are happy to play their part.

I notice that people in some groups are resistant to new ideas and say that this or that won't work for this or that reason. That's not my style at all. I see a possibility and dive in. I don't need to research or analyze it...I intu-it. Some people are fear oriented rather than abundance and possibility oriented. One woman is always complaining about the same things. When she does this she is an energy drain. I say to her, "What's the solution?" I will not listen to her whining. Stop being a victim and be pro-active!


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