Forward in Resilience
He is a space “commander” and his name is Michael.
Someone from the Grange called to discuss my concerns/issues. I said everything I had not said to this person. We ended the conversation acknowledging the value of our friendship. In the middle of the night, actually morning, I awoke to a full proposal to the Grange that ends with these words: This proposal represents a new partnership between Transition Woodinville and the Sammamish Valley Grange built on clear communication and mutual respect. We are stronger and more resilient together than we are apart.
And I thought I was walking away…getting a divorce! This is how “resilience” looks. Now the proposal is in the hands of Transition core members.
Friends introduced me to Dr. Who on TV. This episode was about the Oodens and breaking the circle that imprisoned their universal telepathic brain. It showed how this race provided a song for the universe. Dr Who reminds me of Rob Hopkins!
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