
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Robot Man, Robot Woman

My intention was to spend time with men as friends.  I quickly learned that some men don't want friendship or relationship they want sex.  Men act like robotic machines using one woman and another just like they use green trees, brown fertile land and blue waters.  What is left in their wake?  Barren wasteland.  And women?  They, too, act like robotic machines doing what they can to look the same, act the same, sound the same to attract and keep that robotic male.  This adds to the wasteland.

How did men and women get to this robotic state of low vibration and living?  What happened to the emotional heart that pumps life force within and between the parts?  Has this heart always been a missing piece or has Homo Sapien been manipulated by a larger outside force that wants control?

Robot Man and Robot Woman are passing away as men take on greater feminine charge of intuition and emotion and as women take on greater male charge of logic and thinking.  This change in wiring and chemistry is associated with wing chakra opening behind the heart.  Yes, Homo Sapiens are baseline physical for the purpose of creating life.  Homo Sapien is also highline spiritual for the purpose of generating Life Force through the Light of Love. Homo Sapien is becomeing more angelic.


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