
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fine Tuning

I've been noticing my negative thought patterns. At one time I noticed a beam associated with one of these thoughts. Tonight I was in my garden talking with a woman who tends to the horses. I started to see her body size and think "chubby" when a soft tone in both color and sound said, "She's beautiful" and "Trish, so are you." As this was heard I saw a face come into soft focus. Was this divine intervention or what? One sees the world inside out and it's time to reflect on how and what one sees.

I have been more self-conscious about my body lately and noticing other women's bodies. It's as if old tapes are playing that negative self-image tune from childhood. I work to erase them consciously with forgiveness and love....and with the help of an angel. These thoughts are very deep and unconscious...they play without notice. Until it's time to notice and work to change the tune.

What would life be like without the negative patterns? I would be even more of a misfit. Now that's an interesting thought pattern. Am I afraid of being too Light? Am I afraid of my own Light? Am I more comfortable in shadow? What would it be like to clean up my act even more? I feel hesitant...change is a lot of work but there is no going backward.


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