
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Medicine Wheel & Earth Diamond

The massage loosened a lot of toxins. I had a headache for days. This morning driving to work head and shoulders seemed disjointed. I remembered that the massage therapist had told me to breathe from my belly. I took some deep breaths. Though my right shoulder is still sore my head/neck/body seem to be connecting again. No doubt body is going through some sort of energy shift.

That triangle and diamond holds:
N,E,S,W directions

water, air, earth, fire forces

levels of consciousness
upper, middle and lower worlds
I celebrate this Medicine Wheel now set into motion through consciousness.

Tonight as I was walking along the river in the fresh air (Ahhh) I had the sensation of holding a lance or sword in my right hand and piercing it into the earth. "This ground is holy ground." Even through the dysfunction, wounds, dark shadow "This ground is holy ground."

N/S is a sword. Archangel Michael holds sword and according to Doreen Virtue is associated with cobalt Blue. Since Michael was the first spirit being to visit me many years ago I honor him here now.

The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects
Earth Diamond (Eye of Fire)

The rhomb or diamond was said to be the sign of the Virgin Earth, that is, Mother Earth at the beginning of creation.

To early Gnostic Christians, she was not a metaphor but a true spiritual personality, the cocreator of the universe along with another female spirit. Gnostic literature said Adam was not created by God but by "two virgins," the spirit Sophia and the Virgin Earth. The latter was also taken as another title of Eve.

Like other Goddess symbols, such as the circle, triangle, and yoni, the earth diamond has been designated "emblematic of the female sexual organ."

Another name for this symbol was the Eye of Fire, especially in Nordic tradition. This would naturally associate the symbol with the Goddess Hel, the underground Earth Mother whose name was later applied to the Christian idea of a vast torture chamber under the earth.

Hel was not originally "hellish," however, except perhaps that her fiery eye always saw the truth and mortal faults could not be concealed from her.

A golden diamond, sometimes marked by the cross, was the most common sign of the Earth Mother in the Orient, where she was the vast foundation and support of the holy mountain that upheld all the paradises of the gods.


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