
Monday, August 11, 2008

Embrace & Brace

Went to a River Festival and listened to a lot of music. Two final acts were popular country artists and both of them mentioned angels. Driving home I noticed a new if I was floating along the freeway.

Dream: New vibration. Arms and legs are attuned X fashion -- receptive. I fly higher than ever. So high that a US satellite craft detects me and comes toward me. I am holding a vibrating white band outstretched with both hands. This band helps with flight and I dart quickly away.

I wake up in an open air house feeling sweet wind currents fill the room. When I open my eyes I see hanging baskets of white flowers all around me. I wonder who put them there as I was vibrating in flight. I start asking and learn that "Meagen" put them there as gifts of gratitude for something I had done. I have several dream encounters with different people.

In this "dream" time dimension (how many levels do we function in?) I watched my ex-lover work on a 12' totem pole. He was carving turtle the very first symbol. I enjoy watching him work. At one point we embraced and it felt soooo good. I asked aloud why my body needs this touching. And the answer was very clear, "It's grounding." I'm using logic in this pull to ground through body contact and the implications of such action. That's a healthy sign! Maybe body wants affection...not sex. Affection and nurturing that is missing in this realm due to too much red fire. Why are the other colors left out in relationships?

That white band that helped me fly reminds me of a brace on a kite, hang glider and airplane. When I skydived I had to hang by the wing strut. Maybe brace and strut are the same. How is "embrace" similar to "brace."

Brace defintion:
  1. A device that holds or fastens two or more parts together or in place; a clamp.
  2. A device, such as a supporting beam in a building or a connecting wire or rope, that steadies or holds something else erect.


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