
Friday, August 22, 2008

Sex, Orgasm and Tantra

Well, I asked the question and have the answer this morning. The question was how do I write a book so the public will notice? What would draw attention? Would it be shamanic adventure, personal stories, nature, spiritual evolution or "fairy" tales?

This morning it's clearly coming through that I'll write a chapter about sex, orgasms (there are several types) and telepathic relationship. Is this tantra? I haven't done any research on this subject. I have had some good experiences...and bad. What is a bad sexual experience? When one is left cold and separate. What is a good sexual experience? When two are lifted as one to new heights. I guess that is Tantra.

I think it's time to talk more openly about telepathic relationships and that out-of-body hologrpahic terrain. I think more people go there, live there, than is known. I don't find it gratifying because it's not's out of body. I have plenty of spirit being relationships in other realms and don't seem to want one here in this realm. A physical relationship provides grounding where a spiritual out-of-body relationship cannot. Physical release of a grounded relationship and energetic release of a spiritual relationship are very different angles. Can both be experienced with a physical partner on a day-to-day and long term basis? I haven't had that experience yet. I congratulate anyone who has.

Light that I am seems to want to be focused and not split. I'm not sure such a relationship is possible in physical form for me. And it may be that I'm learning to accept that through detachment. It does bring up a lot of grief because that is how I was patterned: a female is not whole without a male. I am having to do a lot of cleansing of my lens to change that patterning. When a sense of lack comes up my mind is there to say, "Not true." It's lot of conscious work.

For me letting go of telepathic relationships provide space for something new in both physical and spiritual realms. Not having a man in my romantic view is a bit dis-orienting making me realize how long it's been since I didn't have a man in mind.

Those predators who travel in telepathic realms and prey on women will serve their karma sooner or later. A book that talks about this terrain is a wake up call to women who are doing spiritual work. It is a wake up call to women that there are men who use women -- especially those women who, as a child, did not have a healthy father relationship.

In my love-life the quality of each relationship has evolved over time. Each new relationship holds more spiritual substance than the one before. However, the spiritual/telepathic relationships can be bitter-sweet when the angles of emotion, thinking and sensing are not projected through one's physical body. Bitter-sweet lasts only so long...I am going for sweet...Olympic gold!


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