
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gears Humming in Tune

There are times when gears don't want to move. I may want to go bike riding or work in the garden but cannot...I have to be still. I may need to make phone calls and do outreach at work but it's as if an obstruction has been placed at the center of the gears affecting physical level of motion...I can't.

This has occurred so many times that now I accept the situation and do what body suggests: be still! Is this tune up attunement of gears as a cycle evolves?

Yesterday at work I felt a shift. Gears moved again....this time spinning at a new pace. It did feel like a new tune...much more upbeat. This new energy has to do with two staff in different communities who are now engaged in my speaker's bureau. I am plugging them in to give presentations and it's giving me more energy. I do love team work. I do love engaging gears and supporting their motion...and sound. I knew that I would be doing this as it's part of the speaker's bureau vision and plan but I didn't know it would feel this energized.

A man in our area went on a shooting rampage killing several people. He is mentally ill. It's time our society treated this disease via shamanic practice and the calling forth of the dark demons behind this disease. It's the art of recognition and naming. All disease is a blockage of light and energy...who or what holds this pattern? Darkness. Medicine people are needed to do this work. With sound coming into consciousness and motion this medicine includes sound waves.
The human body emits sound. When sound moves with light one is a healer. When a community of parts moves in harmonious sound they are healing.


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