
Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm having phases of disorientation (it just now cleared) reminding me of that kundalini snap at the back of the neck in England so many years ago. This time I'm noticing that there are two minor "chords" along both sides of the major spinal chord. This is effecting my head shoulder relationship reminding me of brain stem. I also notice that lymph node at upper left jaw is sore. Maybe I have three serpentine heads and not one. No wonder I'm getting headaches and have to be still and horizontal. At least this time I don't have little children to take care when all I can do is be still. I wonder if some serious physical sex will help the spaceyness. Reminds me of Goddess stories and supposedly how certain men were chosen to be of service to Goddess. Did that really work? What about the emotional body that's so connected to the physical and mental body? Don't men and women want to go deeper into spiritual intimacy? How does love work anyway? I know there is a crystalline pattern but I don't think that means superficial or ritualistic sex. But I don't know for sure...I'm a student of Lifes force.

The picture of "bone" atlas on wikipedia looks like a triangle.
In anatomy, the atlas is the topmost (first) cervical vertebra of the spine.

It is named for the Atlas of mythology, because it supports the globe of the head.

The atlas is the topmost vertebra, and – along with the Axis – forms the joint connecting the skull and spine. The atlas and axis are specialized to allow a greater range of motion than normal vertebrae.

The Atlas' chief peculiarity is that it has no body, and this is due to the fact that the body of the atlas has fused with that of the next vertebra (the Axis). Its other peculiarities are that it has no spinous process, is ring-like, and consists of an anterior and a posterior arch and two lateral masses.


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